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Biography of Soekarno

Profile or biography of the President of the Proclaimers. Perhaps until now he is the figure most admired people in Indonesia. Many people are looking for on the journey of life, a brief biographical profile or Soekarno. Known as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia and the originator of Pancasila, he is more familiar with the Bung Karno call came from Blitar, he is a hero along with Mohammad Hatta Proclamation.

President Soekarno highly respected by the leaders of the countries in the world at that time. Sukarno was born in Surabaya, precisely on June 6, 1901, with the original name named Kono Sosrodihardjo, because often pain that might be caused because his name does not match then he later renamed Sukarno.

Life of President Soekarno
His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and mother named Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. His parents met in Bali when his father became a teacher in Bali and his mother is a nobility in Bali. Soekarno known to have a brother or sister of a woman named Supermini.
Childhood and Masa Muda Soekarno

On the life of the President, as a child he did not live with his parents who were in Blitar. He lived with his grandfather, Raden Hardjokromo in Tulung Agung, East Java, Sukarno even had time to study in Turkey although not until the end come together with his parents pindahh to Mojokerto.

In Mojokerto, Sukarno then educated in Eerste inland sea School where his father also worked there as a teacher. However, he was transferred in 1911 to the ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) the primary school level to prepare for entry in HBS (Hogere Burger School) in Surabaya. After graduating and attending HBS 1915, Sukarno then stays at home Haji Omar said tjokroaminoto or H.O.S Tjokroaminoto who were friends of a father Sukarno.

Sukarno, Kartosuwiryo, and Muso
H.O.S Tjokroaminoto known as the founder of Islamic States (SI). At home, Tjokroaminoto Soekarno was acquainted with leaders of SI (SI) as Haji Agus Salim and Abdul Muis. Sukarno also familiar with Muso, Alimin, Darsono and Semaun that became known as left-leaning leaders and also Kartosuwiryo who later founded the Darul Islam and led an uprising against Sukarno.
Together they lived in the house H.O.S Tjokroaminoto to gain knowledge and learn to organize through SI (SI). Here the nationalistic spirit of the Indonesian people to be very large. Sukarno also had participated in a youth organization in 1918 called Tri Koro Darmo which later changed its name to Jong Java. Soekarno even active as a writer in the daily newspaper called Oetoesan Indies managed by Tjokroaminoto.
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At home Cokroaminoto, young Sukarno began studying politics and also studied speech although he tends to do me in front of the mirror in her room. At school that is Hoogere Burger School or HBS, Sukarno got a lot of knowledge

In 1921 after graduating from Hoogere Burger School or HBS, young Sukarno then moved to Bandung and stay at home Haji Sanusi, here Soekarno then familiar with Douwes Dekker, Tjiptomangunkusumo, and Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Soekarno then entered the Technische Hoogeschool (THS) majoring in civil engineering. Technische Hoogeschool (THS) later turned into ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) as it is now. In the same year, 1921, Sukarno married to Siti Oetari eldest of H.O.S Tjokroaminoto. Sukarno had dropped out of college after two months of entry at THS, but in 1922 he signed up again and then started college and later graduated on May 25, 1926 with the title of Ir (Engineers).

Graduated from THS, Sukarno established the Bureau of Engineering in 1926 together with Ir. Anwari who worked on the design and building design. He also worked with Ir. Rooseno designing and building a house.

While in Bandung, Sukarno founded the General Study Club (ASC), which later became the forerunner of the National Party of Indonesia were established on July 4, 1927. Here Sukarno then began practicing Marhaenisme. The purpose of the establishment of the Indonesian National Party is that the Indonesian nation to independence and in spite of the Colonial Dutch.

Soekarno Imprisoned by the Colonial Government
Of courage Soekarno was then the Dutch colonial government arrested him in Yogyakarta and put her in jail Banceuy in Bandung. Then in 1930, Sukarno was transferred to a prison Love Poor. In this prison all the necessities of life come from his faithful wife to accompany him that Inggit Ganarsih is married with Sukarno in 1923 that previously had divorced Siti Soekarno Oetari nicely while still in Bandung.

Inggit were also aided by a brother Sukarno named Sukarmini often take food to Soekarno in prison Love Poor, it was later made surveillance in prison Love Poor increasingly tightened.

According to the biography of the President from several sources, he was known to the Dutch as a prisoner who is able to incite others to think for independence so that he then considered quite dangerous.

He then isolated by elite prisoners objective that can not get the information that comes from outside the prison. This elite prisoner are mostly Dutch nationals who have cases such as embezzlement, corruption, and fraud, which is the goal the Dutch to the topic of conversation about how to liberate Indonesia is not suitable for the average prisoner elite together with Sukarno were the Dutch.

Topics commonly heard before is not important as a matter of food in prison, and also the weather. For months in Suka Poor result Soekarno broke up communication with a group of his comrades in arms, but it was not difficult for him to obtain information from the outside.

Soekarno eventually finds a new idea, which he uses eggs as a medium to communicate with his wife. If a friend of Sukarno by disaster or some bad news then the eggs brought in by his wife is a salted egg, and even then he can only guess because he did not know exactly what happened out there. To speak with Inggit, Soekarno closely monitored and luggage carried by inggit from outside the prison always be scrutinized carefully.

Then Sukarno and inggit finally found a way it deems most convenient in communication that is not known by the Dutch media that is the same before that eggs which used a slightly different way, namely by stabbing a needle into the egg.

If one stitch on eggs means good news, if the puncture twice in the egg means a friend Soekarno caught but if there are three puncture means independence activists were arrested quite large.

During his stay in prison, his parents never even visited Soekarno Soekarno reason is parents are not able to see Sukarno was imprisoned, he was thin and black while in prison because that is according to Ward's mother so that parents do not want to visit Soekarno Soekarno.

So that parents do not panic Soekarno often reasoned that he often worked under the hot sun so skin-skin blackened than that in prison he wanted to heat up the bones because, in prison, the room was very dark, damp and cold because the sun does not exist.

Sukarno and Defense "Indonesia Sues"
Dutch case is tried by the courts Landraad in Bandung, when it was eight months have passed that on December 18, 1930. Sukarno in defense creates a title named "Indonesia Sues" famous. Where it is revealed that the Dutch as a nation greedy that had oppressed and robbed the independence of the Indonesian nation.

From the defense it then that makes the Netherlands even more angry that PNI notching Soekarno disbanded in July 1930. After getting out of jail in December 1931, Sukarno then joined Partindo 1932 because he no longer had a party and he was then appointed as the leader but he Partindo re-arrested by the Dutch and then exiled to Flores.

Exiled to Bengkulu and met with Mohammad Hatta and Fatmawati

In 1938, he was then exiled to Bengkulu, here Soekarno met with Mohammad Hattayang will be comrades in arms who then both will be proclaimed the independence of Indonesia. In Bengkulu Fatmawati Soekarno then became acquainted with who later became his wife and mother Sukarno first state. Fatmawati is the daughter of Hassan Din who invited Sukarno to teach at the School of Muhammadiyah in Bengkulu.

In 1942, the Dutch rule in Indonesia ended after the Japanese invaded Indonesia invaded. Sukarno, who had to be transferred by the Netherlands to Australia but failed after being intercepted by the Japanese. Soekarno then returned to Jakarta. Japan then utilize Soekarno along with other Indonesian leaders to attract the hearts of the Indonesian people.

Soekarno and Winding Road Toward Independence Indonesia
Japan even pointed Soekarno to lead the team preparation Indonesian independence is BPUPKI and PPKI after promised independence for Indonesia. Sukarno had even flown to Japan to meet with Emperor Hirohito.

Soekarno continuous engagement and cooperation with Japan with the intention that Indonesia immediately given independence. All the preparations for the independence of Indonesia conducted by Sukarno as formulating Pancasila and the Constitution 45 as a national ideology and principles as well as the formulation of the proclamation of independence along with Mohammad Hatta and Ahmad Soebardjo.

Before announcing the independence of Indonesia in August 1945, Soekarno with Mohammad Hatta along with other Indonesian leaders fly to Dalat, Vietnam to meet the highest leadership of the Japanese empire in Southeast Asia, namely Marshal Terauchi. Ahead of the proclamation of independence, there is a difference of views between the elderly and the elderly.

Incident Rengasdengklok
Parent group wants the independence of Indonesia prepared properly and all young people wanted the independence of Indonesia was proclaimed as soon as possible. This is what makes a young group of kidnapping against Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on 16 August 1945 and brought them to the area Rengasdengklok in order immediately proclaimed Indonesia's independence and away from the influence of Japan. The kidnapping became known by the name of Rengasdengklok events.

Knowing Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta were taken to Rengasdengklok make Soebardjo then picked Ahmad Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta. Sutan Sjahrir, known often contrary opinions with
Soekarno upset to hear the young group kidnapped Sukarno and Hatta and told them to bring it back to Jakarta.

Arriving in Jakarta, Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta along with other leaders met with Admiral Maeda at his home on Jl. Imam Bonjol. Admiral Maeda then ensures the safety of Sukarno and other leaders and let Soekarno and Muhammad formulate the text of the proclamation of independence. Together with the three of them formulating Ahmad Soebardjo proclamation of independence which was then retyped by Sayuti Melik.

Indonesia proclaimed its independence and become the first president of Indonesia
On August 17, 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta also proclaimed Indonesia's independence from Japanese colonial rule in which at that date is also celebrated as the Independence Day of Indonesia which was formed by Sukarno's Pancasila as the foundation of the Indonesian state.
Proclamation of independence is then brought Ir. Sukarno with Mohammad Hatta was appointed as President and First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in Indonesian history. Beyond the figure as the father of the nation of Indonesia, not many know if Sukarno had been married nine times, charisma outstanding owned by Soekarno through the narrative of the people close to him, that's why beautiful women can easily enamor with him and made his wife. He was attracted to women is simple and also dress modestly.

Namely, his wife Fatmawati Soekarno once asked the president about women who look sexy, but he replied that women with a polite and modest appearance and also appear what is more interesting to be liked because the beauty of a woman seen from the authenticity or simplicity.

Sukarno did not like women who like wearing sexy tight short skirts and wear lipstick like modern people in general, believe it or not, American artist Marylin Monroe really liked the charisma of a President Soekarno.

Along Fatmawati Soekarno
Soekarno ideal woman is a faithful woman, conservative and also can keep it. He was very happy when she was able to serve and protect, His view of American women who told her to wash the dishes made Fatmawati be amazed and fascinated by the simplicity of a Fatmawati Soekarno so willingly accompanied him until his death.

Indonesia During the administration of President Soekarno
During the administration of President Sukarno, Indonesia as a new state when the last of the various problems that often destabilize the country of Indonesia. The first time the military aggression carried out by the Dutch who re-colonize Indonesia after Japan's surrender. Then came the PKI rebellion led by Muso (an old friend of Sukarno) and Amir Syarifudin, Rebellion Permesta, Maluku Republic Uprising, Uprising APRA by Wrestling, and the Darul Islam or DI / TII by Kartosuwiryo which is his own when Sukarno was young.

Although many hit by problems at the beginning of the birth of the state, under the government of Sukarno, Indonesia became famous in the eyes International. Many world leaders such as John F. Kennedy who was president when the US and Cuba Fidel Castro is the president and leaders of other countries respect for the President.

Indonesia when it was known as the non-aligned and was closely linked with Russia and marked by the purchase of weapons for defense massively from Russia and also against the Netherlands while making efforts to liberate West Irian. Besides Indonesia by President Soekarno formed the axis Jakarta-Beijing-Moscow makes a confrontation with the western bloc is getting higher.

It also makes Indonesia increasingly leftist marked by the growing communist when it is where the term 'NASAKOM' initiated by President Soekarno.

Indonesia even had time to change the system of government from the parliamentary system into a presidential from 1945 to 1960. And in the 1960s the political upheaval very bad happened in Indonesia, the main cause is the existence of a major revolt by the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party), known as G30-S / PKI which of these events then make the ending of the government of President Sukarno and order long over.


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