Profile or biography of the President of the Proclaimers. Perhaps until now he is the figure most admired people in Indonesia. Many people are looking for on the journey of life, a brief biographical profile or Soekarno. Known as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia and the originator of Pancasila, he is more familiar with the Bung Karno call came from Blitar, he is a hero along with Mohammad Hatta Proclamation. President Soekarno highly respected by the leaders of the countries in the world at that time. Sukarno was born in Surabaya, precisely on June 6, 1901, with the original name named Kono Sosrodihardjo, because often pain that might be caused because his name does not match then he later renamed Sukarno. Life of President Soekarno His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and mother named Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. His parents met in Bali when his father became a teacher in Bali and his mother is a nobility in Bali. Soekarno known to have a brother or sister of a wom...
Karya Ilmiah Peluang Bisnis “Bisnis didunia pendidikan” NAMA : MUHAMMAD AMIEN RAUF NIM : 15.01.3580 KELAS : 15 D3TI 02 I. Abstrak Sebagai industri, dunia pendidikan menawarkan celah bisnis yang terbentang begitu luas. Lihat saja, saat ini, kita bisa melihat banyak sekolah formal dari berbagai jenjang pendidikan yang dikibarkan oleh beragam bendera usaha. Sebut saja lembaga pendidikan untuk anak balita, taman kanak-kanak (TK), sekolah dasar (SD), sekolah menengah pertama (SMP), sekolah menengah atas (SMA) hingga perguruan tinggi. Sudah banyak pula contoh sukses perorangan atau yayasan dalam menggarap bisnis pendidikan. Di antaranya Yayasan Pesantren Islam (YPI) Al-Azhar, Yayasan Pelita Harapan, atau jaringan sekolah Stella Maris yang tengah tumbuh saat ini. Mereka bergerak di bidang pendidikan formal berjenjang hingga universitas, kecuali Stella Maris. Bahkan, tak hanya jalur pendidikan formal yang bisa dimasuki para pelaku usaha. Anda bisa menj...